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Episode 67: Our Aging Crisis with Bob Roth

Aug 22, 2019


This week, Bob Roth returns to Our Take to discuss America’s growing aging population and implications for ignoring what he calls the Aging Crisis. Bob’s passion for caring for the elderly stems from his personal experience with his own mother, which led to the creation of Cypress HomeCare Solutions, the Roth family business. Listen to the elder care issues Bob is calling out—and what we need to do about it.

In this episode

Bob Roth

Bob Roth founded Cypress HomeCare Solutions with his family in 1994 and has been at the helm as Managing Partner since December 2003. Experienced in consumer products, healthcare and software since 1984, Bob is considered an innovator of technologies used to enhance communication and effectively support customers and peers in the health and home care industries.

Bob was a finalist for the 2015 Phoenix Business Journal’s prestigious Healthcare Heroes award. In 2013 Cypress was awarded the Better Business Bureau’s Business Ethics Award, the only home care agency to be nominated let alone win this coveted award. His community involvement includes hosting a weekly radio show, writing publications, serving on various boards and advisory committees, representing Cypress at networking events and attending conferences.

Nationally, Bob serves on the Home Care Association of America (HCAOA), locally; he serves on the Board of Directors for the Banner Alzheimer’s Foundation, DUET Partners in Aging and is on the ambassador committee for Aging 2.0 – Phoenix Chapter. When he’s not working, Bob enjoys playing golf, tennis, hiking and walking with Lacey, Cypress’ pet therapy dog.

John Marchica

John Marchica is a veteran health care strategist and CEO of Darwin Research Group. He was the founder and CEO of FaxWatch, a leading business intelligence and medical education company and two-time member of the Inc. 500 list of America's fastest growing companies.

John is the author of The Accountable Organization and has advised senior management on strategy and organizational change for more than a decade. John earned his B.A. in economics from Knox College, an MBA and M.A. in public policy from The University of Chicago, and completed his Ph.D. coursework and doctoral exams in clinical epidemiology and health economics at The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. He is a faculty associate in the W.P. Carey School of Business and the College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University.

About Darwin Research Group

Darwin Research Group Inc. provides advanced market intelligence and in-depth customer insights to health care executives, with a strategic focus on health care delivery systems and the global shift toward value-based care. Darwin’s client list includes forward-thinking biopharmaceutical and medical device companies, as well as health care providers, private equity, and venture capital firms. The company was founded in 2010 as Darwin Advisory Partners, LLC and is headquartered in Scottsdale, Ariz. with a satellite office in Princeton, N.J.


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