Podcast 90: Preventing Physician Burnout Through Improved EHRs with Dr. Scott Weingarten
Today on Health Care Rounds, John speaks with Dr. Scott Weingarten, CEO of Stanson Health and former Chief Clinical Transformation Officer for Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. He discusses the future of improving patient satisfaction and the prevention of physician burnout with new technology in electronic health records. Dr. Weingarten also touches on the development of next generation clinical decision support with an emphasis on creating valuable patient-provider relationships in order to improve overall patient quality.
In this episode
Dr. Scott Weingarten
Dr. Weingarten is the chief executive officer of Stanson Health, a Premier company. Dr. Weingarten was also the co-founder, president and chief executive officer of Zynx Health, which is the leader for order sets and care plans for electronic health records. Zynx Health was sold to Cerner Corporation and later to the Hearst Corporation.
Board certified in internal medicine and a fellow of the American College of Physicians, Dr. Weingarten has published 100 articles and editorials on healthcare quality improvement, clinical decision support, and related topics, and has authored numerous chapters on improving the quality of patient care in some of the leading internal medicine textbooks.
Dr. Weingarten has held positions on myriad national committees dedicated to improving patient outcomes, including those of the Institute for Medical Quality, the American Heart Association's "Get With The Guidelines" program, and the quality improvement committee of the board of directors of St. Joseph's Health System. At Cedars-Sinai, he has been awarded both the President's Award and the Golden Apple Teaching Award, and was Alumnus of the Year for 2009.
After graduating from UCLA's medical school, Dr. Weingarten completed his internship, residency and fellowship in internal medicine at Cedars-Sinai. He later participated in a National Center for Health Services Research Fellowship at the RAND/UCLA Center for Health Policy Study. During the fellowship, he also earned a master's of public health degree at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.
John Marchica
John Marchica is a veteran health care strategist and CEO of Darwin Research Group, a health care market intelligence firm specializing in health care delivery systems. He’s a two-time health care entrepreneur, and his first company, FaxWatch, was listed twice on the Inc. 500 list of fastest growing American companies. John is the author of The Accountable Organization and has advised senior management on strategy and organizational change for more than a decade.
John did his undergraduate work in economics at Knox College, has an MBA and M.A. in public policy from the University of Chicago, and completed his Ph.D. coursework at The Dartmouth Institute. He is a faculty associate in the W.P. Carey School of Business and the College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University, and is an active member of the American College of Healthcare Executives.
About Darwin Research Group
Darwin Research Group Inc. provides advanced market intelligence and in-depth customer insights to health care executives, with a strategic focus on health care delivery systems and the global shift toward value-based care. Darwin’s client list includes forward-thinking biopharmaceutical and medical device companies, as well as health care providers, private equity, and venture capital firms. The company was founded in 2010 as Darwin Advisory Partners, LLC and is headquartered in Scottsdale, Ariz. with a satellite office in Princeton, N.J.
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